+32 9 235 56 11 info@lalemant.com

Update 2024

After many years of close collaboration Arthur and Christophe have decided to go their own way and therefore, as of 01.01.2024 Bargepoint is solely owned by Christophe and the Group Lalemant by Arthur. They hope, however, to still be doing business together in the...

Our new Lalemant office in London 

Belgian shipping and transportation group Lalemant has taken on a few members of Swire Bulk, in London. This in a move to strengthen their position in the dry and break bulk segment. The new desk will focus as an operator in the Atlantic, specialising  in geared...

Nieuw bestuur aan zet bij Groep Lalemant

Arthur Seynaeve en Christophe Webb van binnenvaartbedrijf Bargepoint nemen de leiding en het dagelijks bestuur over van Lalemant. Wilfried Reynaert wordt chairman of the board van de internationale scheepvaart- en transportgroep uit Gent. Read more:...

We have moved offices!

On 28 oktober we move our headquarters to the Ottergemsesteenweg in Gent. After many years we leave the Neptunus building in the Doornzelestraat, it has served us well. The new address is Ottergemsesteenweg 417 Gent,...